bath salts noble park

Bath Salts

This Herbal Balancing blend of bath salts may leave you with a feeling of being calm and relaxed. You may even feel somewhat balanced again. It has been known to give you a good night sleep after bathing in it.

reiki boronia


What is Reiki? Reiki simply means Universal Energy. Reiki is safe and gentle and has so many wonderful benefits such as creating balance between your mind, body and soul and improving your focus in life. It also helps with feelings of

oracle cards

Oracle Card Word Deck

I created this colourful oracle card word deck with the idea of bringing positive words into our everyday lives. So much negative energy surrounds us on a daily basis and this positive word deck is a way of bringing the


Would you like to start your healing journey of feeling focused and a feeling of calm and peace?
I’m an Holistic Counselllor and love to hold space for people to help them understand their emotions and grief.  E-mail me at or click here to use the “contact us” form to see how I can help you on your journey of recovery and wellness.