Essential Oil characteristics


The oil of Love and Trust. It may bring balance to the yin and yang energies of the body. It may also help to connect you to your ‘tribe’ and other spiritual people. Also aids in healing a broken heart and the healing of emotional wounds.

Juniper Berry

Known as the oil of the night. May also assist those with the fear of the dark or the unknown aspects of themselves, it may also help to restore the balance between light and dark.


The oil of Mother Earth. Myrrh assists with the connections of feeling safe and secure. Also may assist you to let go of fear and may help to rekindle trust within your soul.


The oil of anti-depression. May help to eliminate feelings of frustration and may help to reduce anxiety. Raises self-esteem, calms and gives confidence. It is very effective in cases of insomnia and afraid to travel by plane. Provides a spiritual vision and relaxes the mind. It is ideal for places where there are often conflicts or sadness or simply to provide a little optimism and rescue the pleasure of the small things.


The oil of physicality. It supports individuals in becoming present in their physical body. This oil is grounding and stabilizing. It calms fears and nervous tension, helping to still the mind and the heart. It helps you stay in touch with the earth. It may also help with confidence, as well as grace, poise and physical strength.

Ylang Ylang

The oil of the inner child. It is a powerful remedy for the heart. It encourages play and helps to restore a childlike nature and innocence. It also aids in the release of emotional trauma from the past. Also helps with emotional healing and may assist in releasing bottled up emotions such as anger and sadness. Buried feelings are brought to life with this oil. Emotional healing flows naturally and helps to nurture the heart through the process. Promotes the feelings of joy, freedom, heart healing and acceptance.

Wild Orange

The oil of abundance. Brings vital energy to the whole, and encourages whole balance and harmony, also strengthens one’s willpower. Supports a natural flow of creative inspiration, enhances an individual ‘s state of spiritual joy, fulfilment, and gratitude. Helps eases feelings of “lack”.

German Chamomile

The oil that can do almost anything. May also help with getting a better night’s sleep with its calming properties. Supports the soul in promoting inner peace and is thought to promote happiness and good fortune.


The oil of Renewal. It can assist in energetic overwhelm, when in largely crowded areas. Promotes the ability to cope with stress and offers energetic support during times of burnout.


The oil of Wellness. Promotes quick energetic support for the health and healing of the physical body, and also aids in the emotional healing of the heart. It may also help with the release of grief, and encourages the healthy release of emotions, through communication and cleansing tears.


The oil to help center and descent. Helps to ground and replenish the energy field, releasing negative or excess energy from the body. It may also help you to break old patterns so you can create the positive change and learn the important lessons that the universe has been bringing to you, that you may have been overlooking. It may also promote a connection between you and Nature.


The oil to improve spiritual health. Nutmeg is known for enhancing intuition and may help to promote spiritual growth. Providing luck and protection against negative energies. Promotes inner peace and may help to improve mental clarity and focus.


The oil of putting your mind it its rightful place. This beautiful citrus is a reminder that you are the one and only authority in your life. You are in the right place at the right time. Helps to dispel the shadows of depression and fogginess which comes from too much worry over problems.


The oil of wisdom, peace, protection and purification. Known to help with warding off negative energy and clearing space both physically (outwardly) and emotionally when inhaled (inwardly).

Lemon Myrtle

The oil known as the “Queen of Lemon Herbs”. It is also known for its symbolic and spiritual significance of bringing a freshness, renewal and clarity to those who use it. Helps to bring much needed clarity to those who may be feeling lost.