About Us




My name is Tracey Wilson, and I am a qualified Holistic Counseller, Intuitive Medium, Indian Head Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Ear Candling Therapist, and love leaving people better than how I met or found them.

My passion to help others has been with me since my early teenage years and has grown stronger the older I become. I started my business “The Positive Ripple” as a face book page back in January of 2016 to share positive affirmations and kindness with others. It has now grown, with me providing and helping others from all over the world with much more than a kind word or thought.

In April of the same year, I lost my younger brother Ashley to suicide, sparking in me the need to write my first ever workshop on self-worth and on emotions. In this day and age, we are so focused on others and comparing our lives to others that we forget to work on us (from the inside).

I have several products that I offer to my clients with some of these being oil blends which come in a 10ml roll-on bottle for convenience.  ‘Love Yourself’ is a love oil and ‘Get Your Sh#t Together’ is the rhythm oil blend and ‘Get Some Shuteye’ is the sleep blend and a new oil for the guys too, ‘Love your inner Roar’, to help with calming the anger inside.

My two Oracle Card Decks are here (Positive word deck and Animal Clan deck) and my own Bath Salts infused with either new moon or full moon energy.

One-hour readings are available through video messenger, zoom or via phone.

Take a look around and know I am sharing kindness and positivity with you all today.

And remember: “Feel the fear and do it anyway”!!!!!!

Tracey Wilson HH Dip. (H.C.)